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1. S. Mohammadi, M. R. Hesamzadeh, A. Vafamehr and F. Ferdowsi, "A Review of Machine Learning Applications in Electricity Market Studies," 2020 3rd International Colloquium on Intelligent Grid Metrology (SMAGRIMET), Cavtat, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2020, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.23919/SMAGRIMET48809.2020.9264022.

2. Ali Jafarian Abianeh, Farzad Ferdowsi, Raju Gottumukkala, Tomislav Dragicevic, "Cyber-Resilient Sliding Mode Consensus Based Secondary Control Scheme for Islanded AC Microgrids ",  IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications , in-press (2020) 

3. Ferdowsi, Farzad, Shahab Mehraeen, and GregoryB Upton Jr. "Assessing distribution networks sensitivity to voltage rise and flicker under high penetration of behind the meter solar." Renewable Energy (2020)

4. Ferdowsi, Farzad, Hosseini, Matin, Hosseini, Majid. " Classification of Emergent Dynamics in Microgrids Utilizing an Entropic Complexity-Based Feature Extractor." Data-Enabled Discovery and Applications, Springer, In Press (2020) 

5. Ferdowsi, Farzad, Hosseini, Matin, Hosseini, Majid, Barati, Masoud. " Identification of Small-Signal Dynamic Faults in Distribution Systems Utilizing Intelligent Classifiers." IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies  Conference,  (Feb 2020) 

6. Jafarian Abianeh, Ali, Ferdowsi, Farzad "Real-Time Analysis of a Multi-Agent-Based Distributed Control Strategy for Islanded AC Microgrids" IEEE Power Systems Conference,  (Mar 2020) 

7. Dabbaghjamanesh, Morteza, Boyu Wang, Abdollah Kavousi-Fard, Shahab Mehraeen, Nikos D. Hatziargyriou, Dimitris Trakas, and Farzad Ferdowsi. "A novel two-stage multi-layer constrained spectral clustering strategy for intentional islanding of power grids." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (2019). 

8. Ferdowsi, Farzad, Morteza Dabbaghjamanesh, Shahab Mehraeen, and Mohammad Rastegar. "Optimal Scheduling of Reconfigurable Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid Under DLR Security Constraint." In 2019 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2019. 

9. Ferdowsi, Farzad, Masoud Barati, and Chris S. Edrington. "Real-time Resiliency Assessment of Control Systems in Microgrids Using the Complexity Metric." In 2019 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2019. 

10. Ferdowsi, Farzad, Shahab Mehraeen, and Gregory B. Upton. "Integration of Behind-the-Meter Solar into Distribution Feeders: The Importance of Time Resolution on Model Results." In 2019 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2019. 

11. Afrasiabi, Shahabodin, Mousa Afrasiabi, Mohammad Rastegar, Mohammad Mohammadi, Benyamin Parang, and Farzad Ferdowsi. "Ensemble kalman filter based dynamic state estimation of PMSG-based wind turbine." In 2019 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2019. 

12. Upton Jr, Gregory B., Farzad Ferdowsi, Amin Kargarian, and Shahab Mehraeen. "The Future of Solar in Louisiana." (2019). 

13. Sen, Sudipta, Shahab Mehraeen, and Farzad Ferdowsi. "Improving DC circuit breaker performance through an alternate commutating circuit." In 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp. 7135-7141. IEEE, 2018. 

14. Dabbaghjamanesh, Morteza, Shahab Mehraeen, Abdollah Kavousi-Fard, and Farzad Ferdowsi. "A new efficient stochastic energy management technique for interconnected ac microgrids." In 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2018. 

15. Upton Jr, Gregory B., Farzad Ferdowsi, Amin Kargarian, and Shahab Mehraeen. "Integrating Storage into Rooftop Solar: An Economics and Engineering Approach." In Transforming Energy Markets, 41st IAEE International Conference, Jun 10-13, 2018. International Association for Energy Economics, 2018. 

16.  Ferdowsi, F. Vahedi H. ; Edrington, C., El-Mezyani T., “Dynamic Behavioral Observation in Power Systems Utilizing Real-Time Complexity Computation”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2017. PDF Link

17.   F. Ferdowsi, H. vahedi, C. S. Edrington, ‘’ High Impedance Fault Detection Utilizing Real-Time Complexity Measurement”, Texas Power and Energy IEEE Conference, College Station, Texas, Feb. 2017. 

18.  Ferdowsi, F.; Edrington, C., El-Mezyani T “Real-time Stability Evaluation in Power Electronic-Based Components Utilizing Nonlinear Time-Series Analysis,” submitted to Elsevier, Electric Power System Research, 2017.

19.  Ferdowsi, F.; Edrington, C., El-Mezyani T “Real-Time Stability Assessment Utilizing Non-Linear Time Series Analysis," 2015 North American Power Symposium Conference, 4-6 Oct 2015, Charlotte, NC. 

20.  Ferdowsi, F.; El-Mezyani T.; Edrington, C., “Small Signal Stability Assessment in Power Electronic-Based Components," 2015 FREEDM Systems Center Industry Annual Review and Conference, 28-29 May 2015, Raleigh, NC. 

21.   Ferdowsi, F.; Yazdankhah, A.S.; Rohani, H., "A combinative method to control output power fluctuations of large grid-connected photovoltaic systems," Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), 2014 14th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.260,264, 10-12 May 2014.

22.   F. Ferdowsi, A. Sadeghi Yazdankhah, B. Abbasi. “Declining Power Fluctuation Velocity in Large PV Systems by Optimal Battery Selection”, 11th International IEEE Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, EEEIC2012, Rome, Italy, May 18-25, 2012.

23.   S.M Sajjadi, A.Sadeghi Yazdankhah, F. Ferdowsi. “A new gumption approach for economic dispatch problem with valve-point and losses effect based on valve-point active power” Elsevier, International journal of Electric Power Systems Research (EPSR), 2012.

24.   S.M Sajjadi, A. Sadeghi Yazdankhah, F. Ferdowsi. “Solving the Economic Dispatch Problem with Considering Valve-point and Losses Effect Using a New Practical Method”, 20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE2012, Tehran, Iran (in Persian), May 15-17, 2012.

25.   S.M Modares, F. Ferdowsi, and S.M Sajjadi “Simulation of Five-Level Grid-Connected Inverter for Photovoltaic Applications with two-wave modulation method based”, 2th Iranian Conference on Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation, ICREDG2012, Tehran, Iran, (in Persian), March 7-9, 2012

26.  F. Ferdowsi, A.Sadeghi Yazdankhah, and S.M. Modares, “Investigation of Stable Operation Criteria of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System under Unbalanced Conditions”, 26th International Power System Conference, PSC2011 Tehran, Iran, (in Persian), Oct. 31- Nov. 2, 2011.

27.   F. Ferdowsi, A. Sadeghi Yazdankhah, S.M Modares. “A Suitable Method for Practical Utilization of the Electricity of Turbo-expander System in Thermal Power Plants”, 4th Conference on Electric Power Generation, EPGC2012, Tehran, Iran, (in Persian), Feb. 14-15, 2012.

28.   F. Ferdowsi, S.M Modares, and S.M Sajjadi “Comparison of Single Phase Grid-Connected Inverter Topologies for Photovoltaic Applications”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation, ETEC2011, Tehran, Iran, (in Persian) Nov. 20-23, 2011.

29.  F. Ferdowsi, M. R. Azizian, S.M. Modares, “Investigation of Power Quality of Electricity Generated by Turbo-Expander in Thermal Power Plants”, 14th Iranian Student Conference on Electrical Engineering, Iran- Kermanshah, (in Persian), Sep. 6-8, 2011.